Message from PreceptsGroup CEO, Lee Chiwi
We are pleased to announce that British & Malayan Holdings Limited (BMH) has completed the purchase of 35% of PreceptsGroup International Pte. Ltd. (PGI) as of 5th April 2023.
BMH has a close to 100 years history in Singapore and we are very excited to embark on this new journey with BMH.
This is a new milestone in our corporate history.
We value your continued support in providing estate planning solutions through PreceptsGroup.
Please also see below message from the Chief Executive of BMH.
Message from BMH Group CEO, David Koay
On behalf of the board of BMH, we are pleased with the acquisition of PGI group.
BMH group is the oldest independent licensed Trustee services group that is listed on the SGX. The Group was incorporated since 1924.
We look forward towards working closely with Chiwi and team in establishing mutual synergies of PGI group, being an extended family of BMH.